Running GNS3 server on Apple M2 with Orbstack

Lately, I’ve been switching from my Windows laptop to MacBook M2 for daily driver. It was …

Tplmap Install

Python pip is so weirrd

A Personal Take on Bypassing ISP Blocks

Finding ways around digital roadblocks

Deploy a Hugo site with Github Actions

Applying a small part of Continuous Deployment to your Hugo site

Get rid of the Gtk-WARNING on gedit

Actually, I hide it

Me vs Windows Permissions

Facing weird error on Windows 10? Then this post might help you

Testing PrintNightmare on HTB Machines

Having fun with a Zero-Day vulnerability

My Kali Linux Setup for Playing HackTheBox

Noob Kali setup

Exposing a SMB Server to the Internet in Azure

and wait for bad things to happen

Building Virtual Home Lab for Pentesting

With 8 gigs!

Linux Forensics Command Cheat Sheet

My small cheat sheet for forensics and incident response on Linux systems

Install jarsigner without Java SDK in Kali Linux

You can use Google dork for good things!

Hugo Setup and Deployment

Pretty basic tutorial to setup up a site using Hugo

Font Smoothing in Firefox

Smoothen font rendering in Firefox

Setup VulnHub Machines

Geting started with boot2root using VulnHub machines. It's free and explorable!

Linux Backdoors and Where to Find Them

Learning about backdoor techniques and how to deal with them